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For measures against infectious diseases, including COVID-19

We place the highest priority on the "safety" and "security" of our customers and employees.
We continue to operate our business by taking measures to prevent the spread of infection and improving the environment.

■ Ensure employee health and hygiene​

・Health checks of all employees when they arrive at work.

 *employees with a fever or feeling unwell are asked to stay home.
・Thoroughly wash hands, gargle, and disinfect frequently while at work.
・Disinfect areas where multiple people come in contact with each other, such as business

 meeting spaces and children's spaces, as needed.
・Disinfectant solution is installed throughout the store.


■ Ensure the avoidance of "3Cs" (Closed spaces, Crowded places, Close-contact settings)

・Regular ventilation is provided and care is taken to avoid sealing.
・Business meeting spaces are spaced at regular intervals.

 In addition, splash-proof panels are installed.
・Employees, part-time workers, and service staff involved in customer service will also

 wear masks.


■ Thorough prevention of the spread of COVID-19 infection

・We refrain from eating out and thoroughly avoid going to crowded places.

・We do our best to avoid unnecessary trips out of the prefecture or out of the prefecture.

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